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Natural remedies to cure colic in babies

Natural remedies to cure colic in babies

Parenting is the most beautiful phase of life! Filled with cheerfulness and joy of welcoming your little one eventually parenting gets a bit challenging! Parents need to be very careful when it comes to raising infants. One of the most common problems that parents face with infants cry and it...
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Ingredients and Benefits of Hing Roll On

Ingredients and Benefits of Hing Roll On

Hing  is an age-old medicine for stomach problems including gas, bloating, irritable bowl syndrome(IBS), intestinal worms and flatulence. Antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of hing help alleviate such health issues. Fennel Oil & Peppermint oil: Reduces and prevents spasm in the gut. Helps to relieve gas and Constipation by treating digestive...
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Ingredients and Benefits of Natural Cold Relief Roll On

Ingredients and Benefits of Natural Cold Relief Roll On

For many years, Eucalyptus oil has been used to relieve coughing. Eucalyptus oil can not only silence a cough but also help you get mucus out of your chest. It also help to breath easily by relieving nose congestion. Wintergreen Oil: Induces relaxation, Prevents microbial injections and Simulates Blood circulation...
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