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7 Best Ways To Celebrate Father's Day

7 Best Ways To Celebrate Father's Day

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    We have an unending list of special days to celebrate, but this is the time of the year when we celebrate the most important and best man of our life-’Fathers’.

    Gone is the time when fathers were considered to be secondary caretakers in a child's life. The super dads have rolled up their sleeves to raise a kid single-handedly if needed. However, it would be almost implausible to be thankful enough for everything that fathers do for us. So, we have a golden opportunity to honor our father or any important male figure in life on this Father's Day, which happens to be on the third Sunday of June every year. This year Father's Day will be observed on 19th June, 2022.

    But, before proceeding, let's first understand the reason behind celebrating International Father's Day.

    Why Do We Celebrate International Father's Day?

    As per the reports, Sonora Smart Dodd, a girl raised by a single dad and her five siblings, initiated to celebrate Father's Day. She proposed to have a dedicated day for fathers as we celebrate mother's day in the United States (US). Sonora requested a day for fathers by considering her dad's immense dedication and affection towards the family. She got success after all the efforts, and Washington State celebrated the first father's day on 19th June 1910. Later, Richard Nixon, President of the US, declared father’s day as a national holiday.

    Now, as we know the reasons, let's unfold some exciting ways to celebrate Father's Day.

    7 Best Ways to Celebrate Father's Day

    Bake with love
    Regardless of the celebration, baking never goes out of style. On this special day, it's time to treat your favorite human with something sweet. Bake your dad's favorite cake or cupcakes with your mother's help or anyone supervising. The love-loaded cake you bake for your dad will add a cherry on the top to his special day.

    Serve Breakfast in Bed
    Fathers are the ultimate source to spoil us with their loads of love. So, Father's day is a day when you can spoil your dad by serving a delicious breakfast platter in bed. How happy your father will feel to be showered with such love as soon as he wakes up. Ensure to cook his best-loved breakfast with his most-favorite beverage.

    Spend a Day with Dad
    Put aside all the other stuff and plan to spend an entire day with your dad. Even though you spend at least some time with him daily, consider dedicating your day to your father. Plan your day together, list things you would like to do, and live the day to the fullest. Be it a picnic, hiking, binge-watching movies, fishing, or playing his favorite sport, do not let a moment of enjoyment slip away.

    Gift a Handwritten Letter
    Although there are plenty of options to make handmade gifts for fathers on father's day, a handwritten letter is greater than ever. A heartfelt handwritten letter that describes everything you want to convey to your dad and witnessing that wide-smile and happy teary eyes when he reads it is more precious than any other gift you can give on father's day.

    Organize Family Dinner
    No celebration for a dad is complete without his entire family. Hence, make this occasion more special by organizing a family dinner where you all can do fun activities and enjoy a special father's day meal together. Give your father one of the most delicious and wholesome meals because he deserves it.

    Create Photo Collage
    Technology helps you create a collage with the tools while your hands make you create a photo collage from the heart. So, on this father's day, ditch the online photo collage tools and make a photo collage manually. All you need to do is, select the best pictures clicked with your dad, print the images, choose the layout, stick the images and display your collage.

    Do What your Dad Loves
    Whether your dad is an enthusiastic extrovert or a cool introvert, every dad loves to be pampered and showered with love; their love language may differ, but the intent remains the same. So, the easiest yet most exciting way to celebrate father's day would be when you do things your dad loves to do. Whether making filter coffee at home or going for a mini-vacation, do it your dad's way and cherish the day.

    Ultimately, it's you who knows your father better than anyone. So, plan a father's day celebration according to your wish because the goal is to make your father feel more loved, respected, and appreciated. This father's day, don't just celebrate the day. Celebrate your father. Celebrate his presence as he is the most valuable present you've ever got in life. Happy Father's Day!

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