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All you need to know about Temper tantrums in Kids

All you need to know about Temper tantrums in Kids

Parenting is not a cup of tea or as easy as applying butter to a slice of bread. It requires patience and perseverance. Growing kids might struggle to express themselves and understand the world. These moments, known as tantrums, are typical.

It's tough for parents to deal with kids' outbursts, but they can make a safe space for their emotional growth. Parents might get frustrated and angry, but they should stay calm and not make things worse.

Tantrums are how kids express themselves, and we need to understand their feelings. Responding with kindness and understanding can help them grow emotionally. Adults need to stay calm to avoid making things worse.

Knowing the WHY

Kids have tantrums for different reasons. Sometimes, it's because they can't say what they want or things aren't going how they want. If they're tired or hungry, it can make them grumpy. Too much noise or too many people around can be overwhelming.

Changes to their routine might upset them. It is changes they are not ready to face, which can give them problems. Different age groups of children have various reasons for showing tantrums. For toddlers, it's mainly because of not getting what they want. For 3-4-year-olds, it is basically not getting their desires fulfilled, and as they grow up, it increases even more if not taken care of.

So here are some of the reasons of their annoying tantrums:

  1. Limited Independence
  2. Not getting to do things as per their wishes can lead to anger. Kids want to experiment with every new thing they find, and any hindrance will result in them crying or being angry.

  3. Seeking Attention
  4. If they feel ignored or overlooked, they might resort to tantrums to get noticed. They crave praise as they grow, and being short of it can lead to tantrums.

  5. Testing Boundaries
  6. Children sometimes show tantrums to test the boundaries of adults and how aggressive they can become. If you continue to increase their limits and give in to their every tantrum, they will become more stubborn and will grow more aggressive.

  7. Emotional Sensitivity
  8. Children are still learning to navigate their emotions. Small things that adults may find trivial can be a big deal for kids, triggering emotional outbursts.

  9. Fear or Anxiety
  10. Children may feel scared or anxious about certain situations, and tantrums can be a way of expressing.

Can the tantrums be prevented?

A big YES!!! They can be prevented to a significant extent if the trigger points are identified and taken care of while handling the kids.

Here are a few tips of how you can handle the tantrums-

  1. Talk to them about it
  2. Speak to them about this in a polite and empathetic manner. This will help them understand in a better way.

  3. Make a routine for them
  4. Sticking to a schedule will make things more predictable for them. They will feel more secure about things.

  5. Avoid triggers
  6. Watch out for the things triggering your child, and do not bring them in between as much as possible.

  7. Reward them
  8. Give them specific tasks to follow, and if they complete them, reward them. This will give them a sense of achievement and will make them disciplined even more.

  9. Give them lots of love and support
  10. Handle them with love and care. But too much love can even exploit them. Be cautious of when to be strict with them so that they don’t cross their boundaries.

    Things like this will occur even if prevented and taken care of. These are the aspects of a growing child, and you will have to go through them as a parent.

    Here are some ways to handle your kids’ tantrums as a parent-

  11. Be calm and composed
  12. As a parent, you must keep yourself calm and composed while dealing with kids in these matters. Don’t let your burst of anger come out while handling these, as it can only worsen the issue. Children abide by what they see in parents and caregivers, so make sure to make them understand and feel understood in these situations.

  13. Accept their tantrums as a part of growing up
  14. Talk to your child about it and validate their feelings that it is okay to get angry, but they could have handled it in a better way, and make them assured that you understand them.

  15. Use Distraction
  16. When you sense a tantrum building, redirect your child's attention to something else. Introduce a new toy or activity to shift their focus away from the source of frustration. This will make them forget about that particular thing.

  17. All favourites in one place
  18. Keep all their favourite toys in one place and give them to them in these situations. Include the favourite toys, audio players, clothes and everything to approach them in a relaxed manner.

  19. Make a Calming Routine
  20. Create a calming routine for your child. This could include activities like reading a book, listening to soothing music, or taking a few deep breaths together.

  21. Set clear and strict routines
  22. A strict schedule for them will make it easier for them to deal with things. Things will be more predictable and will be routine for them.

  23. Celebrate small achievements
  24. Celebrate their small achievements when they complete something and reward them. This will enhance their eagerness to complete things.

  25. Involve them in mindfulness
  26. This might sound a bit tricky, but involving them in yoga, meditation, and some mindfulness activities can help them improve their concentration and reduce their tantrums. This will make them more vigilant of their surroundings.


Parenthood is the most blissful period of one’s life, which they crave as it takes out the inner child within them. Sometimes, it can prove to be awful when the tantrums come in between. Handling them can be a nightmare sometimes. But, your composure, your calmness, and your right choices at the right time, such as when to show love and when to scold them can result in the best outcomes. Too much or even too little can make them stubborn and more hard to handle. So to take care of them, first take care of yourself and make better choices.


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