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Krishna - Shanti Doot

Krishna - Shanti Doot

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    On this Auspicious occasion of Janmashtami let us see our Krishna as a peace messenger, We all know Krishna as the most powerful incarnations of Lord Vishnu, He was a ideal friend, a great leader, a legendary guru, mischievous but Krishna as peace messenger is less spoken. When the world is grieving for the lost peace , Lets see Krishna as a Shanti Doot.

    When Krishna decided to become a peace messenger between the pandavas and the Kauravas , he was hopeful that the Kauravas will return the “Indraprastha” to the Pandavas. He stood in front of the Kauravas as a Shanti doot,He appealed to the king and the other dignitaries present there to protect their glorious history and save their lineage from getting devastated in the war. He spoke about the warriors and their family dying in the war, He reminded Dhritrashtra of his duties to protect the sons of his younger brother and give them justice. When the Kauravas were hell bent that they will not compromise and insisted that the Pandavas must go back to 12 years exile , Krishna even proposed giving rights of 5 villages to the Pandavas , he promised on their behalf that Pandavas will graciously accept them and would not initiate the war. Everything fell deaf on Durodhana’s ears. The “Mahabharata” took place bringing the Kauravas down and many innocent lives getting killed.

    In these current hard times, We need our Krishna back. The real Shanti Doot who understood the larger picture of the war. Irrespective of the time, we can understand that “Peace and Harmony” are the two important aspects of life and the world needs Peace!

    This Janmashtami , let's bring our Shanti Doot back in our life.

    BabyOrgano family wishes you all a Very Happy Janmashtami!

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