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Natural remedies to cure colic in babies

Natural remedies to cure colic in babies

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    Parenting is the most beautiful phase of life! Filled with cheerfulness and joy of welcoming your little one eventually parenting gets a bit challenging!

    Parents need to be very careful when it comes to raising infants. One of the most common problems that parents face with infants cry and it gets uncontrolling. It’s pretty hard to understand what kids mean to point towards when they cry. But little did you all know prolonged crying is something that you need to be attentive to!

    We shall discuss about the colic issues that infants face. To have a brief idea about this you need to know what actually colic is and how do you distinguish it and seek its remedies.

    A child constantly crying in the evening hours is possibly suffering with colic. Ideally a colicky infant cried for more than 3 hours a day, for more than 3 days a week, for over 3 weeks. Up to 40 per cent of infants suffer with colic until they turn 3 months from birth, however it does not lead to any major health problem and eventually goes away.

    The digestive system of infants is immature this can lead to colic. colicky babies may pull up their legs or extend their legs, tighten their fists, and pass gas. Some may have hard tummies filled with gas this because of too much air they swallow while crying. There is nothing to worry about it as Colic is usually a sign of a normal, healthy growing child.

    • It is said that rubbing hing (asafetida) and ginger oil on tummy around belly button is helpful in providing some relief in colic. You can try BabyOrgano Hing Roll-on which absolutely natural, safe and convenient to use.
    • Colic will disappear within 3 to 4 months. However you can take special care to address the problem.
    • Identify the time your baby gets fussy determine if anything seems to trigger or relieve the crying baby. Talk about your diet with your doctor, the doctor may suggest to skip some gas-producing foods from your diet.
    • Try new positions with your baby, swaddle them tight or massage may help. Try to turn your baby on your lap, make them sleep on stomach, gently massage on back.
    • You can also try to some sound or a car ride or take them out in a pram, sometimes changing the surroundings and outdoors may do the magic.
    • Take turns with family members to handle a the baby when they fussy.


    Hing Roll On


    At the same time, you all need to understand that colic doesn’t relate to any health issues. A baby who is healthy, growing, eating can also suffer colic. With time, colic goes away on its own.

    Doctors haven’t diagnosed what causes colic and there are no medical tests for the same! Colic is not a serious health issue but you can surely consult your doctor when things seem to be out of your control! Prevention has always proved to be better than cure.

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